YEAR 2008 |
CACIB Zagreb (30.11.2008); Croatia; judge: Vibor Ježek (Croatia):
- Daja: exc. 2;
- Don: exc 1, junior best, junior BOB, Zagreb junior winner 2008, central-eastern european junior winner 2008;


CACIB Zagreb (29.11.2008); Croatia; judge:Tomasz Borkowski (Poland):
- Daja: very good;
- Don: very good
BUNDESSIEGER IHA TULLN (28.09.2008); Austria; judge: Bojan Matakovič (Croatia):
- Daja: excellent 3
On this same show got Diggy (sister od Daja) excellent 1, she became junior best, junior bundessieger 2008 and crufts qualifications 2009!! Congratulations Zdenek!!

CACIB POHORJE (21.09.2008); Slovenia; judge: Bojan Matakovič (Croatia):
- Daja: excellent 1, junior best, junior BOB, BOB (best of breed)!!
CACIB MARIBOR (20.09.2008); Slovenia; judge: Ana Bogucka (Poland):
- Daja: very good 
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It's almost a tradition for us, that last week-end in August we are on show(s) in Trbovlje. This year we visited one national show, Cac Zasavje, with Daja. She was first time in junior class and she did it great! I was hoping to get junior best and Daja got it! Many thanks to Grega, because he showed her so well!
CAC ZASAVJE (30.08.2008); Slovenia; judge: Lidija Okleščen (Slovenia):
- Daja: excellent 1, junior best, junior BOB, BOB (best of breed)!!

judge checked evry dog

Daja is running to win junior best title
Daja at 9,5 months
Vesna, thank you very much for photos!!
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Summer, holiday and heat are almost past, and we have again dog shows. This time we went first time to an Austrian club show for saint bernards in Austriam to Patsch by Innsbruck. Organizator was Austrian club for saint bernard (this was 13th club show). This year we could saw 74 saints (37 short haired and 37 long haired) from 11 countries (Slovenia, Austria, Germany, Italy, Czech, Hungary, France, Swiss, Holland, Serbia and Dennmark).
When we were driving to Patsch, it was rainning and rainning. But when we came to Patsch, rain stopped. Soon there was sun too and atmosphere was even better (and because of our super results of course).
We spent a really nice togetjer with Milan (owner of Otok) and Zdenek (Owner of Daja's sister Diggy and Camila).
CLUB SHOW Austria (Austria); 16.08.2008; judge: Erila Kalscheuer (Germany):
- Bina: exc. 2, rCAC (3 females in champion class) ;
- Daja Bina's Joy od Strážců hor (Daja): very promising 1 (puppy class-4 puppies in class);
- Diggy od Strážců hor (sister of Daja): very promising 1 (puppy class-4 puppies in class);
- Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok): exc. 1, CAC, club winner, BOB, rBIS; he became Austrian champion (3 dogs in class) !!!
- Camila od Strážců hor (daughter of Otok): exc. 1, junior club winner!! (junior class-4 dogs in class);
- Anežka, Camila and Daja od Strážců hor won 1st place as breeding group!!
- as couple Anežka and Otok won 2nd place! Bravo Milan!

Otok: exc. 1, CAC (cahmpion class)
Otok: club winner
(left) rBIS: Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok) - BIS: Anka du val du Morakopf (right)

Daja: very promising 1
Daja: one day before 9 months
Bina: exc. 2, rCAC
Bina: exc. 2, rCAC
Diggy: very promising 1

Camila: exc. 1, junior club winner
Anežka - Camila - Daja
od Strážců hor
1st place
our slovenian-czech team in Patsch together with judge Erika Kalscheuer
Daja - Bina - Anežka - Otok - Diggy - Camila
It wasn't even 14 days from last show and we went to new dog show. This time we drove a little far away, to Luxembourg. When I was there first time with Bina (in year 2005), I was very impressed by this small european country. Everything was so small, just like in fairy tale.
This year was in Luxembourg WUSB
(world dog show for saint bernards). Every year is WUSB organized by one club (member of wusb organization)-next year it will be in Swiss. From January I was thinking to go or not to go (it's quite far and the sistem of judging is a little different as other shows. But at the end I decided to go and now I don't regret this decision. Before we came to show, we visited Double Love (sister of Daja) in Swiss, Bonita (daughter from Bina from first litter) in Swiss and Anka (daughter from Bina from first litter) in France (more about this: "A trip to Swiss, France and Luxembourg").
WUSB is a special show because in each ring are two judges. When you are entering to WUSB, you know which judges will be there but you don't know which judge will judge which class. And beside all, this was a great chance to meet many breeder which I know only vie e-mails.
WUSB (04.05.2008), Grevenmacher (Luxemburg); judges: madame Lafay (France), madame Long-Doyle (Irland):
- BIna: excelent 3 (7 females in class)
- Daja: very promising 1
- Anka (Tyronica Bina's Great Pride): very good (judges: Kuster (Holland), Prim (Luxemburg)
- Otok (Tyronica Born for Winning): excelent (judges: Hölbacher (Austria), Splinter (Germany)
- Diggy (sister of Daje): very promising 1 (judges: Kuster (Holland), Prim (Luxemburg) 
Bina: excelent 3

Daja: very promising 1

Daja: it's so hard to be on shows :)

Anka: very good

Diggy: very promising 1

Otok: excelent
Is there anything to add? I'm very satisfied with presentation of "my" dogs, especially I'm proud on my Bina. She proved me, that she isn't (too) old for shows, that she still love them. In ring she was running with high head and with a big enthusiasm although it was very hot. Way to go, my girl!
Also Daja is better and better on every show. Now she is like a little professional.
At winners is funny only this, that a winner is coming from same country and judge...
short haired male winner from Germany, judge from Germany...
short haired female winner from France, judge from France...
long haired female winner from Holland, judge from Holland...
long haired male winner from Germany, judge from Germany...
But WUSB is show. And I'm sure we will go to Swiss next year, too 
Again we went to a dog show, because Daja needs practise. This time her performance in the ring was better then last time. She was running like a small profi, she had only problems with standing... But next time will be perfect . Bina was this time only visitor.
CACIB CELJE (Slovenia); 20.04.2008, judge: Petr Rehanek (Czech):
-Daja: very promising 1
Daja and Gregor: it was super for first time . Next time will be even better 
This year was second time, that we went to Czech club show. This year, there were entered 52 saints (18 short haired, 34 longhaired). Judge was Max Russ from Germany.
After more then 6 months from last show, there was also our Bina. I'm not too happy with her result, but I'm very happy with her presentation. First show successfully and very brave survived also our new hope Daja.
An extra motiv for driving to Czech was also to see 3 puppies after our Bina (D puppies), that live is Czech (dixie, Dallas and Diggy). I was very happy to see all of them! Not to mention Otok :)
CLUB SHOW (Czech); 5.4.2008; judge: Max Russ (Germany):
- Bina: exc. 2, rCAC;
- Daja Bina's Joy od Strážců hor (Daja): very promising 2 (baby class);
- Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok): exc. 1, CAC, club winner, BOB, BIS !!!
Otok winning club winner and later BOB and BIS!!
Bina got exc. 2, r CAC

Daja got very promissing 2

Dixie (very promising 1), Daja (very promising 2)
Daja and Bina on show
Bina's puppies (D litter) got next results (all were in baby classes):
- Diggy: very promising 1;
- Dixie: very promising 1;
- Dallas: very promising 1;
- couple Daja-Dallas: 4-5 place


Daja was part of breeding group "Od Strážců hor" (short haired) and won 1. place!! 
Short haired breeding group "Od Strážců hor" (from left to right):
Dixie - Daja - Dallas - Camilla - Athena
(missing Anežka)
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Between 12. and 13. January were in Ljubljana 3 shows: 2 international (cacib) shows and one club show. We were also there with: Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok) was on all three shows, Tyronica Bryan Bach (Bry)was only on club show. My Bina was at home because she had puppies in December.
Here are resultats:
CACIB Ljubljana (12.1.2008)-judge:Otokar Vondous (Czech Republik):
- Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok): excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB!! ;
SPECIAL SHOW (12.1.2008); judge: Bojan Matakovic (Croatia):
- Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok): excellent 1, CAC, club winner, BOB ;
- Tyronica Bryan Bach (Bry): excellent 1, CAC;
CACIB Tromostovje (13.1.2008)-judge:Reisinger (Austria):
- Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok): excellent 1, CAC, CACIB, BOB !!!!
Tyronica Born for Winning (Otok)
Tyronica Bryan Bach (Bry)