Our puppies have already 7,5 weeks and soon they will leave us :( One will go to Slovakia, one to Holland, 3 will stay in Slovenia and ONE LONGHAIRED FEMALE IS STILL AVAILABLE. She is not for shows/breeding. For more informations fell free to contact me ( or +386 41 805 367).

=> In last weeks they are quite busy: we have a lot of visitors, every day we explore surroundings, puppies are driving with car and they love it :) They are getting used to collar and leash.
This week they will be dewormed 4th time, chiped and vaccinated. And then they are waiting to leave to new homes...
=> At the begining of February our Vili became a father to 5 beautiful puppies. Mother Prima is great and take good care for them. If you are looking for a healthy puppy from a healthy parents (both have HD A, ED 0, ocd free) then write to or call +386 31 774 250 (Zdenka)
Our puppies have already 4 weeks. They are growing every day, they are eating different food (meet, vegetables, goat milk, yougurt, eggs...), the are exploring world outside (when it's warm enough)...
I put some phots on page (site is in slovene language but you can still see photos) : >>
More photos are on my FACEBOOK page >>
ONE LONGHAIRED FEMALE is still available. For more informations fell free to contact me ( or +386 41 805 367).
=> In few days Vili will become father again. Mother will be Prima Karantanska. If you are looking for a healthy puppy from a healthy parents (both have HD A, ED 0, ocd free) then write to or call +386 31 774 250 (Zdenka)
=> two days before Christmas Daja gave birthd to 6 puppies. Daja feels ok and I'm very happy about this. Puppies are ok too, they are drinking at Daja and getting weight. More informations about R litter: >>

=> In Holland were born last Vili's puppies (last because each male can have only 4 litters in Holland).
=> and ultrasound showed that end of January Vili become a father again. Good luck Prima!
=> In Danmark, Tyronica Spencer Gorm "Gorm" become BREED WINNER for year 2015!! Congratulations to owners!!

Gorm at 3,5 years ("our" danish beauty)
=>This time I have very good news! Ultrasound showed that Daja is pregnant and she is expecting puppies around Christmas. Juhuhu, I'm so happy. We are accepting reservations! More about future parents and litter on special "puppy" page: >>
More regulary I will add photos on my FACEBOOK page >>
Daja feels really good, she doesn't have any problems and I'm sure her age wont' be a problem. Thank you to all who trust me and who are waiting for Daja's puppies!
In the middle of October, D litter celebrated their 8th birthday!! I wish to all Daja's brothers and sisters all the best, many healthy years and to be happy with their families. Mum Bina is sending to all kisses!!
This time Daja didn't get a birthday cake, because we were in Italy filming a new commercial. But still it was a very special day for Daja.
=> End of October Bina celebrated 12,5 years! She has more and more problems with her legs, but she is a fighter and we are thankful for everyday we can be together! I hope there will be many more days.
=> We will cross our fingers that in two months Vili will become a father again. This time in Holland :)
I wrote this year's show results >> We visited 2 club shows: two with Vili and one with Daja.
In Austria Vili got exc. 1/3, CAC, he became best male and got BOB!!
At our club show Vili got exc. 3/5, Daja got exc. 2/2 and rCAC.
=> Follow us on facebook :)
=> But still April was nice. Our Bina was celebrating her 12th birthday!!! OMG, really? Already 12 years? Bina I wish you, that your legs will be strong for long time! We love you so much!
More pictures >>

=> End of April were celebrating their 4th birthday puppies from my S litter!! I wish you all the best and to be healthy and happy for many many years!
=> 10 years ago were born my first puppies, Tyronica B litter.
We have lost contact with three puppies, all other already died :( Bina is sending kisses to all of you over the rainbow. I will never forget you...I still remember how I was waiting for them, how happy I was when they were born, how nice was meeting new owners and seeing how puppies were growing. And how much I was crying when I got e-mail or phone call when they died :(
Because of this litter, I registered my kennel name and I'm a breeder for already 10 years!
=> Vili became a father again. Mother Anouk gave birth to 11 beautiful puppies (they were born in Holland). >>
April is here.. it will be a month with lot of news: a new Vili's puppies were born in Slovenia, in 2 weeks new Vili's litter will be born in Holland, soon it will be Bina's 12th birthday and 4th birthday from our S litter and some more ;)

Welcome in a wonderful world of dogs, especially saint bernards.
We got our first dog in year 1998 afer many months of waiting for him. Till then, we had only small animals, like hamsters and rabbits and having a dog was something incredible for us. We started to think about a dog, when we bought a bigger "ranch" in Gorenjska and we need a guardian. We went to a dog show and immediately felt in love in great swiss mountain dog. There we saw a mother of our future dog. About a year and a half after a dog show, we brought home a small black boy. His name is Bero.
We visited some dog shows with Bero, but he didn't like it... He rather lays at home. More dog shows I started to visit with Bina...
Bina came to us, after we moved to Gorenjska. Having a saint bernard, was my biggest wish. Even before we bought Bero. I wanted a short hair saint bernard. That time, in Slovenia were no breeders of sain bernards, so I started to looking for my baby in foreign country. After a big quince-accident a found a kennel
in France, where in april 2003 my Bina was born.
With Bina I started to visiting dog shows and very good resultats inspired me even more for showing and breeding. I registered kennel Tyronica and that's how started to write history of our kennel and our dogs.... I hope successfully...
In year 2007 I bought in Germany Orbie. She lives in co-owner ship in Slovenia. Because of health problems, she is not for breeding and shows. At the end of year 2007, Bina had her second (and last) litter. We kept one shorthaired female (Daja). She is very athletic, a really sport-maniac and thats' why not so successful on shows (I will never understand why judges always prefer so strong and fat dogs).
Jana Krek