Slo CH
Slo J Ch
Daja Bina's Joy od Stražců hor
shorthaired female
February 2011 (3,5 years) |
CH Int
Dein Hard's Chocolate Starcraft
HD A, ED 0 |
Fin CH
Dein Hard's Unzipped
HD A, ED 0 |
Dein Hard's Zebulon Macahan,
HD A, ED 0 |
Dein Hard's Oops I did It Again,
HD A, ED 0 |
Fin CH
Dein Hard's Mad About hocolate
HD A, ED 0 |
Dein Hard's Chubby Checker, HD A, ED 0
Dein Hard's Dark And Handsome,
HD A, ED 0 |
CH Int
Ubina du Val du Morakopf
HD A, ED 0
Nambo du Val du Morakopf
HD A |
Giress de Saint Lienard; HD A
Indy du val
du Morakopf, HD B
Pearl du Chateau Robert
HD A |
de la Tomiere
du Chateau
Robert, HD b |
Born: 17.11. 2007,short hair saint bernard, 75 cm, 60 kg
Owner: Jana Krek & Gregor Šarlohar
75,5 cm; 60 kg
HD A/A, ED 0/0
pictures were taken in Klagenfurt (Austria) 15.5.2009
Patella: 0
(examination done by dr. Zlata Čop, Slovenia, 7.8.2009)
Eyes: clear
(examination done by dr. Zlata Čop, Slovenia, 7.8.2009)
4 x very promissing 1
1 x very promissing 2
4 x junior best; 3 x junior BOB
2 x CAC (Austria)
4 x CAC (Slovenia)
1 x CAC (World dog show in Slovakia 2009)
1 x rCACIB
5 x BOB
So, we have finally got her, our new short haired little devil. From the very first day, when I bought Bina, I felt in love with saint bernards. Actually in females. I don't know why I like more females, then males.
When Bina had puppies for the first time, she didn't have shorthaired females. I'm joking about it, that is beacuse she wanted to be the only shorthaired female at home.
But when Bina had her second litter, she finally had shorthaired female, two of them. The choice was now even harder. But Daja is already showing some of Bina's character: digging holes, playing with toys, running away and not hearing :)
When I was searching a new male for Bina, I found in Finnland one very successful on shows and healty male. He has a very calm character, with super head and excellent movement. When Ruth (kennel St.Zamba, Norway) told me, the male is very nice, I knew, this male is the one for Bina. The only problem was distance.
Anyway, for me and Bina this is not such a problem, but I wanted to solve this differently. Some people suggested me artificial insemination with cooled semen. I started to search for information about this procedure, calling people with these experiences, I talked about it with vets...
Some people were very pesimistic about this project of mine, but that didn't stop me. I proved my point in the middle of november, when Bina became mother to 8 puppies (the same number as in first litter, where the maiting was natural). :)
I would like to thank everybody who made D litter to become a reality:
thank you to Mari (kennel Karvakatastrooffin), for sending quality semen in Slovenia and for all the your help,
- thank you to vet personal on Veterinarian clinik for little animals in Lesce, especcially to dr. Marko Mali and dr. Roman Burja. You did an exccellent job!
thank you to Mlian for a very good care of the puppies and Bina;
- thank you to Gregor who will take care of Daja now and then;
- thank you to everybody who helped me in anyway (there are so many of you), with advices, mayby only with crossing fingers. It helped!
Without you all, this D litter would't be a reallity.
OK, enough of words and thank you, here are some photos of our new devil:

Daja at age 6 years (November 2013)

January 2012

Daja in August 2010

(left) Bina and Daja (right) in April 2009

16 months

1 year
Daja as retriever (8 months)

Digging some gold...

Who will be the first?

Bina is so happy, beacuse she finnally got a new companion for playing:)
What is this?!?!
click for bigger photo |