YEAR 2005 |
CAC VRTOJBA - Slovenia (20.11.2005); judge: Jan Nesvadba (CH)
- Bina: CAC, BOB, rBOG II

CACIB TATA - Hungary (29.10.2005): judge: Siklosi Bela (H)
- Bina: CAC, rCACIB
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CAC ŠAKOVO (25.09.2005): judge: Milovan Mrdak (SCG)
- Bina: CAC, BOB, rBOG

judge Milovan Mrdak
Bina winning rBOG

jjudge: Niksa Lemo (Croatia)
- Bina: CAC, BOB, club winner for 2005 (in Croatia)
CACIB LENDAVA (18.09.2005): very good; judge: Jelka Simcic (Slovenia)
Bina was first time performancing in Junior handling with Lana Premk.
Lana and Bina before performance
Lana is listening, what she will have to show

During performance ...
And the winner of older group is Lana with Bina

Competing for the best junior handler of the day

The winner of the show is Lana with Bina

Lana, thank you for taking care for Bina and congratulations for your winning!!
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CACIB LUXEMBOURG (04.09.2005) was very successful for Bina! In class champion she got CAC and CACIB! And she is CHAMPION OF LUXEMBOURG - CH L!
Decision for CACIB (Bina is on left)

Bina and judge Jean Prim (L)
Bina is new Champion od Luxembourg
15th and 16th January we had first time in Slovenia double CACIB (2 international dog shows in the same weekend) and in saturday afternoon also a special CAC show, organized by Slovenian club for Molloser and Big Sized Dogs.
=> In the morning, 15th January was an international dog show - Cacib Ljubljana 2005. There were around 1300 dogs. There must be also 7 saint bernards (4 long hair, 3 short hair), but Bina was the only one who came. She was in champion class. The judge was miss Cvetka Bogovcic (Slovenia). Bina got CAC, CACIB and BOB .
=> In the afternoon we had 1. SPECIAL CAC dog show for molloser and big sized breeds. There were 246 dogs. There must be also 7 saint bernards, but Bina was again the only one. She was in open class. The judge was mr. Hans Bierwolf from Austria. He was really satisfied with Bina. She got CAC , BOB and became also a KLUB WINNER FOR YEAR 2005 . We went home very tired, but very happy with a results.
=> On Sunday (on 16th January) we were again in Ljubljana. Why? Cacib Tromostovje 2005 . This time were there less dogs-"only" around 1200. Bina was the only saint bernard despite, that there must be 7 saint bernards. The judge was the president of Federation Cynologique International Belgique (FCI) mr. Hans W. Mueller. Bina got CAC, CACIB and BOB.
What is this?!?!
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