YEAR 2004 |
20.11.2004 Bina visited first dog show in Croatia - Cacib Zagreb . There were little more that 1200 dogs, but only 3 saint bernards: Bina (the only short hair saint) and 2 long hair saints from Hungary.
Bina got CAC, CACIB and BOB. And now she is a candidat for Croatian champion. The judge was mr. Zlatko Kraljic (Croatia).
In Ljubljana ( Cac Ljubljana ) Bina was firt time in champion class.
She got CAC and BOB. The judge was miss Phyllis Poduschka-Aigner (from Austria). There were only one short hair saint bernard (Bina)
and two long hair from Hungary.
In Maribor was 18. & 19. 9. the last slovenian international dog show this year. There were 1156 dog, but only 3 saint bernards: Bina (the only short hair saint) and 2 long hair saint (one from Italy and one from Hungary). We had nice and sunny weather.
Bina was in "intermedia" class and got only CAC, because she wasn't running nice. The judge was Nikša Lemo (from Croatia).
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We have really successful week-end in Bosnia! Bina had 2 dog shows: Cacib Gradiska and Cac Srbac . In Gradiska (judge Refet Hadžić-BiH; class intermediata) Bina got CAC , CACIB and BOB, in Srbac (judge
Pal Paroci-SCG; class: open) Bina got CAC in BOB . With this 2 CAC
Bina become BOSNIAN CHAMPION - Ch BiH at age 17 months!!!
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Third national dog show Cac Trbovlje was on last sunday in august. This year we have nice and warm weather (last year was raining). There were a little more that 400 dogs. Bina was the only saint bernard. For first time she was in intermediate class and got CAC and BOB . The judge was mr. Boris Mataković.
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Dog show in Innsbruck (21. & 22.8.2004) was a very successful for "Morakopf's":
Bina became best junior and with this best junior she bacame also AUSTRIAN YOUTH CHAMPION - CHJ A!
Stecy (Bina's 2 years older sister) got CAC ;
Tessa got CAC and CACIB ;
in breeder's group Bina, Unkas and Stecy (kennel " du Val du Morakopf ") won first place !!!
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Dog show in Austria ( Cacib Oberwart ) was really successful for Bina. In class "junior" she became best junior and later in competition of 3 dogs (one male in "junior" class and one male in intermediate class) best of breed (BOB). At long hair saint bernards best of breed became Vasco von Geutenreuth (from Hungary). The judge was miss. Gabriela Hollbacher.
Later Bina in BIS (bes in show) came in first ten junior female.
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19. and 20.6 was in Portorož 3. slovenian international dog show - Cacib Portorož . There were around 1050 dogs, but Bina was (again) the only saint bernard. She was is junior class and became best junior and BOB (best of breed) . The judge was miss. Marija Kavčič.
Now she became SLOVENIAN YOUTH CHAMPION - CHJ SLO!! On next slovenian dog show (Cac Trbovlje) she will be in class intermediate. Next dog show for Bina will be Cacib Oberwart - Austria (18.7.2004)
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Yesterday (30.05.2004) was second national dog show in Slovenia - Cac Hrušica. There were around 360 dogs. Bina was the only saint bernard. She was in Junior class and became best junior and BOB (Best of Breed). The judge was miss. Alenka Černe.
The first dog show for Bina in Austria was Cacib Salzburg (16.5.2004). There were 10 st. bernards: 3 shorthair (females) and 7 longhair (5 males, 2 females). Bina was alone in Junior class. She became Best Junior . The judge was miss Uschi Eisner.
This was her first dog show in foreign country. I'm very satisfied with her performance. Obviously, long drive (2 and half hours) didn't have influence to her, that's why her performance was great.
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In Ljubljana was 27. and 28.3 second international dog show in Slovenia. There were only around 950 dogs. We could see 4 st. bernards: 2 males from Hungary and 2 bitches (one in class open from Hungary and Bina). Bina was in Junior class (9-18 months). The judge was mr. Rajko Rotner. She got very good.
Estimation is not so good, but I'm very satisfied with Bina's performance. She was really nice running and standing. Now she is in heat that's why I will not take her to Cac Grosuplje. Next dog show for her will be Cacib Salzburg.
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In Vrtojba was at the end of january (31.1.-1.2.2004) first dog show in Slovenia in year 2004. There were more than 900 dogs, but Bina was the only Saint Bernard. She was in Junior class (9-18 months). The judge was mr. Boris Baič. She became Best Junior and BOB (Best of Breed).
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