6th week


Puppies are more and more active, they sleep less between meals and they play more. They are "gardening" (but not on that side of garden where I would like), they are running around, playing, fighting and hidding. They are just normal puppies :)
Now they got 4 meals per day (croquetts with water). Beside croquetts I give them also meat, yogurt, fresh chees, eggs, pasta, rice...). They everything what they get :)
This week all puppies will be vaccinated, they will get chip and some puppies a tatoo. First time they will drive with a car, but I don't expect any bigger problems.
Soon will come a day, when they will leave us :( I think I will never be ready for this moment... For now, puppies will go to Dennmark, Germany, Austria, Swiss and two puppies will stay in Slovenia.
Some photos from this week:


Tyronica Slovenian beauty (longhaired female 1)-reserved
Tyronica Samson (longhaired male)
Tyronica Sunny (shorthaired female 3)-reserved
Tyronica Gorm (shorthaired male)-reserved
Tyronica Shadow of my mind (shorthaired male 5)-reserved
Tyronica Salvator As (shorthaired male 6)-reserved
Tyronica Sreča na vrvici (longhaired female 7)

Tyronica Send by post (longhaired male)

Tyronica Searching for love (longhaired male 9)-reserved
Tyronica Sasha Zoomorof (longhaired female)-reserved; HD B, ED 0
Tyronica Shake it baby (longhaired female 11)-reserved