Orbie vom Hellenstein
longhaired female
8 months |
Adler von der
HD B |
Isko von Geutenreuth
HD B |
Anja vom Bismarkturm
HD B |
Kelly vom Baronenschloß
HD A, ED 0 |
Farro von der Primstadt
Wanja vom Baronenschloß
HD A |
Obelix von Geutenreuth
HD A, ED 0 |
Ceno vom steinbachtal
HD B, ED 0
Franzi von Drei Helmen
Jeny vom Hellenstein
longhaired; HD A |
Heliodor vom Hellenstein
HD A |
Szant bernat Hagoi Ursula
22. 03. 2007 -14.12.2011; , long hair saint bernard
Owner: Anita Kaèiè & Jana Krek
Because of health problems, Orbie won't be for breeding & shows
1 x baby class at club show in Germany (babies don't get any marks)
Orbie is our new hope for breeding. She is coming from Germany (kennel vom Hellenstein). When we got her, we were all surprised about her character: she is very brave, house-clean from first day, cheerful (like she has to be), she learns very very quickly... With one word: she is PERFECT!
She accepted Bina like an older sister and also Bina accepted Orbie like her own puppy!! Everything seems to be just GREAT!
Because of her, now we are again more optimistic.
THANK YOU to all, who helped me to bring this small baby to Slovenia:
- thank you Ulricke (breeder of Orbie) to trust me this treasure!
- thank you Ute and Melanie: for all your help! You are really good friends!
- thank you family Kacic for loving this "small devil" and to give me a chance!
I will be always grateful! Jana
Bina and Orbie |
...walk with Orbie...
...after walk...
Orbie always sleeps BY Bina
...or LIKE Bina
6 months
hmmm.. what is this?! A dog??

What is this?!?!
click for bigger photo |