© 2005 maja01


07.01.2007 => A trip to Slajka (900 nm)
Because Bina has too many energy, we decided to visited Slajka. It's a small hill in Poljanska valley. Bina loved it and you can see this on photos. We were only disappointed because of bad weather...
For first time we tried a rucksack on Bina, which I bought for her in Paris. And I have to admit, that I was enthusiastic. Bina was acting like she didn't have anything on her back...
Otherwise, photos are more then 1000 words ;)

I want to drink!!

...I don't understand, why there has to be a tongue on every her photo ?!?

..a wiew to Poljanska valley...

Can I get a little?!?!? I'm also sooooo hungry !!!

If I have a really good motivation, I can perfectly walk beside you!

...we are going home...

...I want to drink in river, no metter if it's cold....